197 Boons Online


We're excited to announce that we've launched a new Store in replacement of SwiftPay! With our new Store you simply top-up your Habboon account and purchase what you desire!


We've also taken the time to add VIP discounted upgrades! This means if you're Bronze VIP, then Silver VIP would only be £2! If you're Silver VIP then the Gold VIP upgrade would only be £5!


On top of that, we've added a new diamond package, we now offer three diamond packages:

- 220 Diamonds
- 700 Diamonds
- 1200 Diamonds


Finally! We're introducing gifts, sometime this week we'll be launching the gifting system, which will allow you to gift your friends VIP & diamonds, while also retaining the discount system if your friend already has VIP.

You can visit the store here.


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