355 Boons Online

Welcome to Boon Adventures with your hosts: linds, cookie, and eden


This is a monthly article based on various event-related games, including but not limited to:


mazeswired gamesboard gamesmind gamesescape roomscompetitions


Some of these games are designed to test your wit, your patience, and your problem-solving skills, while others are competitive and fun for everyone. On the 1st of every month (unless otherwise), a new game or event will be up for you lucky Booners to participate in to challenge yourselves and win some nifty things!


Everything we make is assisted by the Boon’s Builders Team!


For the month of February, we’re going to be doing the theme: Squid Games!



Do you wish to continue the games?


It’s time to take this last opportunity to win a better life for yourself! By completing all 6 games, you will be the winner of squid games, winning the grand prize money. Created by the Boon Builders Team you will have the opportunity to experience the games yourself! 





The Squid Games & Squid Game Storyline


The first maze that the Boon Builder’s Team has created includes the six games. The beginning room is called [SG] Bunk House and will be opened February 5th.


There is also a maze that includes the storyline of the characters, and many important scenes from the show. The beginning room for this maze is called [SSG] Bunk House and it will also be opened February 5th.



Squid Games Mixed Events & Trivia 


Keep your eyes peeled for some Squid Game themed mixed events this month. They will be hosted by one of our Boon Builders Staff or Leaders. 


Additionally, there is a Squid Game Trivia Maze that will test your knowledge, intelligence and memory. The name of the Trivia room is: [SGT] Squid Game Trivia Maze and it will be opened February 5th.





Here are a few badges that you will win by participating in this month's event! 




    Kitty            xoxo           bub


Big congratulations to users xoxo, kitty, and bub!


These users worked extremely hard this month to create GFX, Wired, and Buildings to really make Boon Adventures what it is. Huge thanks to them!





Big thank you to the entire Boon’s Builders team for providing most of the building, graphics, badges and wired help on all of the rooms. We want to let them know we appreciate all of the work each member does. You guys deserve so much praise.

You can notice them in the hotel wearing one of the badges below!

If you’d like to join the team, click here to submit an application!


Join the Boon Adventures server by clicking here where you can get information quickly, join competitions, and get help in rooms sooner.


If you have any questions, concerns or ideas, feel free to PM one of us on Discord. 


lindsay#0001lily#3900 thelma#0550 • eden#4818

Comments (3)

hus 2 years ago

omg sooo excited!


sophie 2 years ago

so much fun!!!


bow 2 years ago

cant wait to be the one who wins :D

Latest Comments 3

omg sooo excited!

so much fun!!!

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