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Massive thank you to user Tay for the amazing article headers.

Welcome to WTFriday!


This week's edition of WTFriday is brought to you by Kaydee!


But... What is WTFriday?

Well, I'm glad you asked. WTFriday is a bi-weekly article where you, or any user, can learn more about the staff members here at Habboon. You can enter in ANY question you want to know about them (that's right... ANY question) with the chance of it being published in a WTFriday article and win diamonds and a super cool badge! Of course, the questions must be clean and appropriate, however.


You are able to ask two different types of questions. The first being a personal question and the second being a group question.


What is the difference between a 'Personal' and 'Group' question?

A personal question is one that is directly aimed at a specific staff member. Only they will answer this question for you. Whereas a group question is asked to the entire staff team and anyone who responds on the staff team will be published, no matter how crazy. Remember, it is important to ask those personal questions also! 


What happens if my question is picked?

If you get chosen, your question will be featured (and answered) in our bi-weekly article and you will also receive one of six WTFriday exclusive badges which you can see below as well as 100 diamonds!



Cute asks: What animal represents your personality the best?

linds (Creator): Dragon.

Michaela (Administrator): Skunk.

Jordan (Administrator): I've been told a fox suits me well!

Kaydee (Moderator): Lioness.

Paige (Moderator): A raccoon maybe, or a cat?? I feel like if you merged the two it'd be a pretty solid contender.

soul (Moderator): A cheeky chipmunk!

bub (Moderator): peppa pig.

Henry (Moderator): Bear - powerful, outgoing, direct, (hungry).

kawaii (Trial Moderator): koala cos i'm kawaii? :)
lu (Trial Moderator): I did a quiz online and it said i was a butterfly. pog

rose (Trial Moderator): A beaver. Kind, compassionate and loving. Not to mention adorably cute how they hold hands!

lil (Trial Moderator): a seal because it's basically me when I laugh.


liv asks: What is the best advice you've ever been given?

linds (Creator): Don't hate th eplayer hate the game.

Michaela (Administrator): Air your holes in the direction of the sun for at least 4 hours a day.

Jordan (Administrator): The more the merrier, init (;

Kaydee (Moderator): The Sunrise is the reminder that we can start a new beginning from anywhere..

Paige (Moderator): Something my mum said agesssss ago, 'there's always multiple paths to a destination' cause I was dropping out of all my courses n felt like I wasn't going to end up doing what I had planned to do. I didn't in the end, but the advice at the time made me feel a lot better about fucking it up :P

soul (Moderator): Life is a gift. Have no regrets, live everyday with gratitude and knowing it could be taken from you at any moment.

bub (Moderator): Dont give a man a fish, eat it

Henry (Moderator): Marry someone who has a different favorite cereal than you so they won't eat all of yours.

kawaii (Trial Moderator): Never stop being you - don't change your personality to fit in with other people, if they appreciate you for being you then they're true friends. You shouldn't have to change who you are to please other people - smth i've learned as life goes on.
lu (Trial Moderator): See it. Say it. SORTED.

rose (Trial Moderator): Treat others the way you want to be treated. As old and generic as the saying is, I actually find it to be accurate. If people are being cruel or rude to you, being cruel, rude or aggressive back will get you nowhere.

lil (Trial Moderator): live, laugh, love ?

 Click the submit button below or click here to send in your questions!                 

That is it for this week, folks! Thank you for reading and to those who submitted questions. Remember, you can submit your own question by clicking the submit button above. 

Did your question feature in this week's edition? Contact Kaydee in-game or on Discord Kaydee#3886 to receive your exclusive badge!

Be sure to check back soon for a new edition of WTFriday!


- Kaydee

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pespidoge 1 year ago


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