322 Boons Online

Hey Booners,

We've come to the decision that it's time to pull the plug. Sometime in the this year, we'll be completely closing down the Flash client (app/desktop client).

This is not a decision that has come easily. Habboon has now run consistently for 10 years, with no hard-data resets, and has maintained an active Flash client all this time.

However, regrettably, maintaining the Flash client is quite a burden; it subsequently results in us having to do twice the work when updating assets or planning for the future. A prime example is the new Wired; we did actually implement this into Flash at one point, but we realized that it wasn't feasible, as we'd also have to construct the work on Nitro from the ground up - meanwhile, avoiding causing issues for users.

Starting now, we'll be blocking access to Flash for new accounts. Eventually, we'll restrict access for inactive accounts that make a return, and hopefully, before Christmas, we'll discontinue Flash entirely.

We're pretty set on this decision, but with your feedback, this could change - the one thing that makes this decision difficult is the lack of existing English Flash hotels. Habboon discontinuing its Flash client will mark a major milestone in the demise of Habbo retros running Flash.

Habboon will still be online as normal running via the Nitro/Web/HTML5 client. We're essentially just 'scaling down' the size of the hotel.


Habboon Management

Comments (22)

devil 9 months ago

ok but add the any type bar for builders IM BEGGING


devi 9 months ago

As long as I can still virtually make out with my friends, that's all that matters to me.


menheru 9 months ago

All resources put into flash will be wasted anyway. ^^


DemarciaCapitalBank 9 months ago

html5 for the win


menhero 9 months ago

The right decision was made. The Nitro client will get double the focus and become double as good!!


hus 9 months ago

i was hoping it was shutting tbh


bow 9 months ago

oh my... gg


cherubim 9 months ago

flop hotel


MichaelPorters 9 months ago

I love the desktop app. Nitro lags heavily on Chrome especially on older computers.


Sucellus 9 months ago

uwu <3 This is epic


katie 9 months ago

Nitro on top fr but PLEASE for the love of god make a new chat history feature!!!! the nitro one is so awkward to use compared to the old one!!!


jonny 9 months ago

I cannot wait to see this take its final form. As a Nitro user since its inception, I have nothing but admiration for all the work that has gone into making it what it is.


bb 9 months ago

The title of this article + the first line make it sound like the hotel is closing completely, unnecessarily confusing.


ginger 9 months ago

that is so awesome. i love using firefox since, for some reason, nitro makes chrome lag like it's the goddamn 90s


furry 9 months ago

Enter Maze of the Month lol


EmilyLefford 9 months ago

Nooooo please don't


brb 9 months ago

oh my god ): i love the client


Peaker 9 months ago

Add shockwave


Manchester 9 months ago

Nitro is stable and so much quicker, will miss flash, but welcoming nitro.


stitch 9 months ago

Nooooo not the app dislike nitro witht eh random reboots


V 9 months ago

damn got my hopes up


eddy 9 months ago

fuck the app

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ok but add the any type bar fo...

As long as I can still virtual...

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