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Massive thank you to user Tay and Kaydee for the amazing article headers.

Welcome to WTFriday!


This week's edition of WTFriday is brought to you by Kaydee and bub!


But... What is WTFriday?

Well, I'm glad you asked. WTFriday is a bi-weekly article where you, or any user, can learn more about the staff members here at Habboon. You can enter ANY question you want to know about them (that's right... ANY question) with the chance of it being published in a WTFriday article and win diamonds and a super cool badge! Of course, the questions must be clean and appropriate, however.


You are able to ask two different types of questions. The first being a personal question and the second being a group question.


What is the difference between a 'Personal' and 'Group' question?

A personal question is one that is directly aimed at a specific staff member. Only they will answer this question for you. Whereas a group question is asked to the entire staff team and anyone who responds on the staff team will be published, no matter how crazy. Remember, it is important to ask those personal questions also! 


What happens if my question is picked?

If you get chosen, your question will be featured (and answered) in our bi-weekly article and you will also receive one of six WTFriday exclusive badges which you can see below as well as 100 diamonds!





hun asks: Do you have any New Year resolutions? If so what are they?

linds (Creator): survive another year

Michaela (Manager): Meow more and bark less

Kaydee (Senior Moderator): Be less high maintenance ?

Pat (Moderator): for the 2987831379th time, stop being lazy af...

kie (Moderator): i’d like to be more organised in my work & dedicate more time to my degree! additionally, although i’ve set this every year recently, but i’d like to stop biting my nails?

bulb (Moderator): I want to be more me, instead of entertaining other people’s ideas of me and how I am as a person.

chic Moderator): Find happiness.

bub (Moderator): Pay more attention to things that matter.

Natalie (Moderator): Hmm... Honestly just to take better care of myself, mentally and physically!!

lil (Moderator): Take more pictures with family and friends.

kels (Moderator): to be even cooler and sexier and smarter and funnier than i was this year, even though i'm not sure that's possible

abigail (Moderator): i want to quit vaping tbh

Anya (Moderator): Personal growth ? Improved mental health and healthier physical health. You can never go wrong with the best version of you. Muah xx


xRi asks: If you could go back to a different age. What age would it be, and why ?

linds (Creator): 18 because I was having fun and no responsibilities

Michaela (Manager): My 29th birthday 8 years ago so I could remember what it was like to be young again

Kaydee (Senior Moderator): 24 because I can relive my engagement ?

Pat (Moderator): 18, because I had the best life during that age.

kie (Moderator): 18. my 18th birthday was during covid, so i’d love to celebrate it properly? it might also change my outlook on nights out & clubbing

bulb (Moderator): When I was four. Because I was just a little boy with big dreams, who had no idea what happened outside his own little world.

bub (Moderator): 13-16, when I have no clue what I am doing with my life and 0 concern about the future.

lil (Moderator): I wouldn’t go back onwards and upwards!

kels (Moderator): i wanna live the 90s/00s as a teenager. idk it's so retro and sweaty and gross but i love that noone had any shame, they just caked their weird orange foundation on and fried their hair without a care in the world and i want that for myself

abigail (Moderator): 15-18, one of the most fun years of my life, i was carefree and didn't have to WORKKK

Anya (Moderator): I really don’t want to. Every chaotic year of mine made me resilient and it’s a good trade hahaha. No looking back, just move forward. ?



niks asks: If you were to go to Broadway which shows would you want to see?

kie (Moderator): honestly i’d love to see Rob Madge in My Sons a Queer but What Can You Do? it soared to greatness in the West End & i’m sure it’ll have a great run on Broadway early next year!


i’d also love to see hadestown but that shows finally coming to the west end early next year?




 Click the submit button below or click here to send in your questions!                 

That is it for this week, folks! Thank you for reading and to those who submitted questions. Remember, you can submit your own question by clicking the submit button above. 

Did your question feature in this week's edition? Contact Kaydee or bub in-game or on Discord kaydees or .lunaa. to receive your exclusive badge! 

- Kaydee & bub




Comments (3)

abigail 3 months ago

RIP lancester


queen 3 months ago

wooo thank you!


bow 3 months ago

woop woopp

Latest Comments 3

RIP lancester

wooo thank you!

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