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Massive thank you to user Tay and Kaydee for the amazing article headers.

Welcome to WTFriday!


This week's edition of WTFriday is brought to you by Kaydee and bub!


But... What is WTFriday?

Well, I'm glad you asked. WTFriday is a bi-weekly article where you, or any user, can learn more about the staff members here at Habboon. You can enter ANY question you want to know about them (that's right... ANY question) with the chance of it being published in a WTFriday article and win diamonds and a super cool badge! Of course, the questions must be clean and appropriate, however.


You are able to ask two different types of questions. The first being a personal question and the second being a group question.


What is the difference between a 'Personal' and 'Group' question?

A personal question is one that is directly aimed at a specific staff member. Only they will answer this question for you. Whereas a group question is asked to the entire staff team and anyone who responds on the staff team will be published, no matter how crazy. Remember, it is important to ask those personal questions also! 


What happens if my question is picked?

If you get chosen, your question will be featured (and answered) in our bi-weekly article and you will also receive one of six WTFriday exclusive badges which you can see below as well as 100 diamonds!


PalXeon asks: What's your goal for this year?

lily (Creator): mainly survive.

Michaela (Manager): Become a better gaslighter (you've asked this question before)

tarasque (Manager): To cause the disappearance of users Michaela and Paige.

Kaydee (Senior Moderator): Squating a goal weight! GYM 24/7

Pat (Moderator): to gain more skills.

bulb (Moderator): Not entirely sure anymore to be honest - A month ago I had my whole year planned into the tinniest details but since I just dropped out of uni who knows what this year brings!

chic Moderator): No men.

Natalie (Moderator): I haven't really set any goals, just going with the flow honestly.

lil (Moderator): I want to get more confident at driving and go on as many holidays as possible.

kels (Moderator): My goal for this year is to get through my level 6 at university and qualify as a paramedic from an EMT!

abigail (Moderator): to graduate and get a full time job as a hospice nurse! 

Anya (Moderator): More moolah and travels.

lance (Moderator): my goal is to be able to get the internship i been longing to take.

Lizardshaped asks: Favourite hot chocolate topping? (I.E whipped cream, marshmallows, peppermint shaving, ect.)

lily (Creator): whipped cream

Michaela (Manager): Toenail clippings

tarasque (Manager): Whipped cream and sprinkles.

Kaydee (Senior Moderator): Whipped cream and a bit of chocolate powder!

Pat (Moderator): whipped cream

bulb (Moderator): Whiskey. Don’t judge. 

chic Moderator): Whipped cream, of course!

Natalie (Moderator): Whipped cream with a bit of choccy powder on top!! 

lil (Moderator): whipped cream.

kels (Moderator): It’s not really a topping but Bailey’s in hot chocolate is unreal.

abigail (Moderator): whipped cream and chocolate shaving with a peppermint stick.

Anya (Moderator): Whipped cream!! I want more whipped cream than the hot chocolate hahaha + chocolate shreds.

lance (Moderator): marshmallows no other answer  btw.

Click the submit button below or click here to send in your questions!                 

That is it for this week, folks! Thank you for reading and to those who submitted questions. Remember, you can submit your own question by clicking the submit button above. 

Did your question feature in this week's edition? Contact Kaydee or bub in-game or on Discord kaydees or .lunaa. to receive your exclusive badge! 

- Kaydee & bub

Comments (5)

abigail 3 months ago

god i love user bow btw


bow 3 months ago

god i fall in love with mod abigail more and more


LoveBigBooties 3 months ago

to: chic from: LBB Yes men.


MANI. 3 months ago

i luv boon. thts it. thts the post!


hus 3 months ago


Latest Comments 5

god i love user bow btw

god i fall in love with mod ab...

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