211 Boons Online

(Huge thank you to cookie for the lovely graphics!)

Welcome to Gamer of the Week!

Hosted by mich & Kaydee

Welcome back, Booners! GOTW stands for Gamer of the Week, which rewards the top events players of the past seven days. For every hotel alerted event that you win, you will be awarded GOTW points and diamonds!

You can keep track of the number of GOTW points you have accumulated per week by looking at the top right hand corner of your screen. At the end of the week, these points are added up and the top three win a groovy badge! We hope you are all excited and ready, and may the best Booners win! 

To help new events players out, we've created a compilation of all the games and rules that can be hosted during events. Whether you're a newbie or looking to refresh your memory, check it out by clicking here!

We’ve had a blast delivering all the egg-siting fresh new goodies on the behalf of the Easter Bunny for the past two weeks. Massive thanks to everyone who played events, hosted and supervised! Without further ado, here is the final tier list from this week’s Carrot Cup!


10 points - 20,000 Credits

20 points - Badge


30 points - 750 Diamonds

40 points - Skull Sprout

50 points - Carrot Bite Wearable


Replacing the normal GOTW placement badges during the Carrot Cup, the top three victors will receive the usual rewards listed in the prize section below, but will be given their respective Carrot Cup placement badge seen here.

Congratulations to the players who placed in any of the tiers!


1 GOTW Point

2 GOTW Points

3 GOTW Points

Attack Game

Banzai Run

Colour Game

Balloon Game

Fridge Game

Find The Path




Knock Out

Majority Rules

Poisonous Chairs

Trash Game
Big Brother

Silent Stab

This or That

Don’t Hit The Wall
Grab the Item

Add It Up/Multiply It Up

Bank Game

Falling Furni

Floor Is Lava

Guess The Furni

Last Man Standing

Lights Out

Melting Carpets

Ping It

Snake Run

Find the Word
Flick It

Splat Bang

Unusual Game

Petal/Pool Attack


Fastest Typer

General Knowledge

Name 3/x



Generate a Word

Shout It Out

Spelling Bee



Introducing… Scheduled Events!

As a bid to bring some consistency to the event-sphere, we’re introducing Scheduled GOTW Events. These will be the same user-hosted events that you all know and love, simply it will be announced as happening ahead of time.

Staff will be able to schedule a specific time that they would like to supervise an event and then at the given time they will go through the event request queue as normal. These events will happen in addition to the sporadic supervising that staff already do! All we ask is that there’s hosts willing to be supervised at the given times, and of course gamers ready to earn some GOTW points!


The scheduled events for the upcoming week are as follows:

Tuesday 2nd April - 3:30pm BST - kie

Congratulations to the top three players this week!

Here are the results:


matt with 23 points! 


4Rolas with 14 points!


hiwah with 14 points!


An extra special shout-out and congratulations also goes to boyband who achieved 100 GOTW points this week making them the first winner of the coveted Dragon Crown!

Next week's winners will get to choose one of these funky badges!

Next week's winners will also get to bring home the following:

1ST PLACE: Gold Cup Trophy + badge + 30,000 credits + 20,000 duckets + 600 diamonds! 

2ND PLACE: Silver Cup Trophy + badge + 25,000 credits + 15,000 duckets + 500 diamonds!

3RD PLACE: Bronze Cup Trophy + badge + 20,000 credits + 10,000 duckets + 400 diamonds!

As an exciting incentive, any players who reach 100 GOTW points (or more…) in one week will be awarded a Dragon Crown.

You can only win it once and it's binded to your account, but in doing so, you'll be showing off your skills.

Winners have ONE WEEK to claim their prizes. Please find mich or Kaydee in-game to receive your prizes!

A big thank you to those of you who hosted and played events this week! 

Please note: if you place in the top three this week, or if you have received a player strike, you will not be able to place in next week's article. 

 In the event of a tie, the tied players are placed into a random generator to determine the winner.

If you have any questions, feel free to message us on Discord!


Keep hitting those victory royales gamers!

mich & Kaydee
mickylah | kaydees

Comments (4)

hus 3 months ago



boyband 3 months ago

achievement unlocked : touch grass


bow 3 months ago

woooo michael !!!!


4Rolas 3 months ago


Latest Comments 4


achievement unlocked : touch g...

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