A Message from Management
Posted by Michaela on the 15th of April 2024
Greetings Booners!
Over recent weeks, the wider management team, including ownership, have noticed an alarming amount of negative and toxic behaviour within the client - which seems to be worsening. We have reflected upon this as a whole after discussions at length with both Ownership and the Moderation Team, from which changes have been made to the moderation process - some of these processes have been in place for a short while now and have been received well.
So if the processes have been well received why do we say that the situation is deteriorating?
Usually with changes in the hotel there’s some pushback, and recently there has been a larger volume of them ruining the experience for users and members of staff. For the general behaviour of Habboon these processes have enhanced moderation capacity and meant that repeated situations within our large community were noted and recognised a lot faster, which is a good thing.
Repeat offences, may that be warnings of any kind, mutes or bans, will be monitored significantly more going forward. Bans will continue to be given out for repeated instances as they have been successfully implemented in our past. Going forward, we are now including times where users have continuously and consistently been warned/muted yet purposely stop before the ban is given out, effectively attempting to evade an account ban. We do not condone abusing our warning system to bypass bans. There have been a number of bans done in this manner recently, which gives users time to take a break off of the platform to re-evaluate their actions and come back after a period - if the behaviour is continued after that then they become eligible for a permanent ban, as consistent toxicity and bullying has no place on Habboon.
As a reminder to all, bullying and harassment will not be tolerated, towards either users or members of staff. For instances in events/hosting where users are abusive towards specific members of staff and that create a hostile environment (who are only trying to provide a safe, welcoming and engaging environment voluntarily), there are now provisions for members of staff to skip/decline those users or remove them from the room. Staff should not be subject to harassment from users for calling them out on their behaviours and upholding the Habboon Way.
These are not decisions that have been made lightly, and this is all to attempt to restore some peace on Habboon and encourage people to facilitate mature and appropriate behaviour for their age group.
– Habboon Management
thats on period