394 Boons Online

Sunday, 24th December - 2023

Huge thank you to milk for the graphics & to Exoquate for the badges!


Are you intrigued to find out What’s Happening on Habboon? Well, you’re in the right place - this bi-weekly article will cover all things Habboon and more! Stay tuned to find out more about the hotel, albeit rare rotations or staffing updates!




This is a section where we place a highlight on a segment of the hotel. These can either be individual users who deserve to be recognised for their kindness across the hotel, for being a good friend or an excellent event player.


Feel free to submit a user or community into the spotlight by clicking the link here.


This week, we’re placing a spotlight on lance nominated by girl!

lance has been an active member on Habboon since 2022. He’s been contributing to the hotel by being Connect Events Staff & Habboon T-Mod. You can find him supervising/hosting or playing events, hanging out with friends in different rooms, and helping out users in need.


Here’s what girl had to say about him:

Lance has recently taken a brave and inspiring step by coming out as an openly homosexual man. His courage in sharing such a personal aspect of his identity deserves recognition within our community. Lance's openness with his homosexuality fosters an atmosphere of acceptance and understanding, making our virtual space a more inclusive and supportive environment for everyone. Let's shine a light on Lance's story, showcasing the strength that comes from embracing his true sexuality..


We asked a few questions to lance about what it’s like being a part of this community!


Question: What has been the highlight of your T-Mod experience thus far?

lance: Moderating boon has been super duper ultra mega Fun! but no fr i think the highlight of my tmod experience in general is being able to supervise/host as many events whenever i want. despite how toxic the events environment can get, i still get that sense of fulfillment since im giving the booners what they want


Question: What are your plans for Christmas Day?

lance: i dont usually have anything planned for christmas day. i usually just use it to recover from the food and alc Lol  but this year, i plan to have christmas day lunch with some family and then have some drinks with friends. and maybe some Boon Lol :]




It’s time to keep up to date with all things that have happened within the hotel in the past 2 weeks!


It’s still Snowflake Season on Habboon - a seasonal currency which lasts throughout December! You can earn your Snowflakes by remaining an active part of the hotel, winning hotel alerted events, opening your advent calendar in the hotel view or even stepping on snow puffs! Read more about Snowflakes by clicking here!

Following on from this, the Snowflake Store has been rotated for a while now in the in-game catalogue! You can visit this by clicking Furniture > Snowflake Shop! Here’s the current rotation:

There are also new rares released in the Snowflakes Shop. You can visit this by clicking Furniture > Snowflake Shop > Snowflake Rares.


There are a range of Christmas-themed activities currently going on throughout the hotel this December!


There is currently a Boon Adventures Quest (this month's theme is Mickey’s Christmas Village, which you can view by clicking here!).


Connect has also a lot of festive events for this month.


The Habboon Staff team have also been working very hard to bring you a range of new activities for the festive season - this has all been compiled into one article, which can be viewed here!





Sentimental songs are the soulful melodies that have the remarkable ability to touch the deepest corners of our hearts and evoke a wide range of emotions. 


In this segment, we invite you to submit your favourite song and allow us to provide the emotions evoked by the lyrics and melody.


This week’s featured song is ‘Cherry’ by Lana Del Ray, submitted by user moss. Read our thoughts on the track down below!


kie: another true staple by lana del ray, her music is utterly adorable and beautiful to listen to at all times! her voice is so soothing and calming with the undertones of her music, just purely bliss!


pat: I listened to this song before omg. The song is very appealing. I really like Lana’s songs and this is one of them. It really screams Lana from its production to the melodies. It is very sensual and cool. The adding of sudden swearing at the end of some lines was odd yet it actually works. Overall, a great listen.


You can submit your song choices here - if your song gets selected, you will win 100 diamonds, 100 snowflakes & an exclusive badge!




In this segment, we're here to offer our guidance to you, the wonderful players of Habboon. 


Do you find yourself with a pressing question, one that's been keeping you up at night? 


Think of us as your trusted advisors, ready to provide thoughtful responses to your questions. Whether it's a matter directly related to the hotel or any other topic that's on your mind, we're here to assist you in finding a reasonable and considerate solution. 


So, go ahead and share your questions with us; we're your friendly 'agony aunts' for all things Habboon and beyond!"


One user has asked: ‘What techniques and tools do you use to keep yourself organized?


kie: i’m a simple guy, planning my day with good old pen and paper works wonders for me.. if i set myself a to do list first thing in the morning i’m much more inclined to tick everything off! :)


pat: I am messy as hell ngl. However, at times where I want to try to feel organized, I use apps like Notion to take important notes. I also use Microsoft To Do. Whenever there are important events or reminders, I save it on my Google Calendar so that I can remember and it’ll alert me.


If you have a question you’d love to ask us, submit one here!



It’s time to put your puzzle-solving skills to the test - with wit and determination, solving the brain teaser correctly will earn you a spot in our random prize draw. 


These puzzles may range from riddles that tickle your curiosity to brainteasers which will require your intellect!


In the last edition of the article, we challenged users to correctly fill in the blanks to Finish the Festive Phrase.


Congratulations goes to user marie for being the lucky winner in the random generator - they will win 100 Diamonds, 100 Snowflakes and an Exclusive Badge for correctly finishing the phrases!


Here are the answers:

1. We wish you a MERRY Christmas!

2. I saw MOMMY kissing Santa Claus

3. Seasons GREETINGS


5. Rudolph the RED Nosed REINDEER

6. The holly and the IVY

7. CHESTNUTS roasting on an open FIRE!


Congratulations as well to Right, childish, moon, amber, elfe, elena, ginger, R1B, moss, ponyo, kpi, zombie, soosh, reaper, hex & Melody who also correctly filled the blanks!


This week's edition is Word Search: New Years Edition!

In this game, you just have to search all the words from the puzzle below:



























Make sure to submit in the form the screenshot with correct answers.


The submission link can be found here!




Thanks for reading this week's edition of Habboon Happenings! 

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, Booners!



Kie (_Kie.)

pat (.kingpatrick)


Comments (4)

sarahney 4 months ago

fix the lana typo or i'll set her stans on u


bow 4 months ago

woop woop lance


moon 4 months ago



hus 4 months ago

Wow How Brilliant <3!

Latest Comments 4

fix the lana typo or i'll set...

woop woop lance

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